Saturday, November 14, 2015

CARROT PASTA - easy vegan lunch

Who said vegans don't have anything to eat? 

So, I believe you have all heard at least someone ask you, at least once, ''So you just eat salads then?''
And the common misconception is that you have to be rich in order to be a vegan. Trust me, if that was the case, I wouldn't be posting this right now. All the money you save up when you don't buy meat, you can spend on the essentials.
I am here to prove people that being vegan can be really easy and destressing!

Upam si dati roko v ogenj, da si zagotovo že slišala ''O, a potem ješ samo solate, ko si vegan?''
Še ena butasta zmota je, da moraš biti bogat, da lahko ješ vegansko. Verjemi mi, če bi bila to resnica, ta blog ne bi obstajal in jaz bi jedla umor.
Ves denar, ki ga prihraniš s tem, ko ne kupuješ mesa in sira, lahko zapraviš na OGROMNO stvareh, ki jih kot vegan ješ vsak dan.

And, who said leftovers can't be fun? Today's lunch came to be just because I had leftovers from previous days and the thought of them laying in my fridge was haunting me.
Plus, I was really lazy, so this is a super quick easy recipe but is really really delicious. 

Pa kdo je rekel, da so ostanki bedni? Moje kosilo je nastalo iz ostankov prejšnjega dne, in ker sovražim, da mi neka hrana leži v hladilniku, sem se odločila, da to porabim. Pa čisto po pravici, bila sem zelo lena, haha.

I shall stop boring you and just tell you about the recipe!
Nehala te bom dolgočasiti in ti dala recept!

You will need :
Potrebovala boš:

  • Coconut butter (kokosovo maslo)
  • 1 serving of Spaghetti (špageti za tebe)
  • 1/2 small onion (polovica male čebule)
  • 1 carrot (grated) (nariban korenček)
  • 1 tbsp mixed seeds (žlica semen)
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened almond milk (žlica mandljevega mleka)
  • 1 tsp curry (žlička curryja)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder (žlička česna v prahu)
  • 1 tsp salt (žlička soli)
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper (žlička kajenskega popra)
  • 1 tsp soy sauce (žlička sojine omake)

Keep in mind, the ingredients were my leftovers, so the pasta was already cooked.
Imej v mislih, da sem imela špagete že skuhane.

I just took a pan and put coconut butter, and when it melted, I just put the onion beforehand and had it on high heat until it turned golden. After that, I put it on medium heat and just added the spaghetti, the carrot and the seeds and I just seasoned it with spices of my choice. After a few minutes, I just took a little bit of unsweetened almond milk because I think it gave it an almost kind of creamy texture + I added soy sauce, just because I love how the food tastes and looks after you've added soy sauce. 

Vzela sem ponev in stopila kokosovo maslo, nato sem dodala čebulo in jo pražila na močnem ognju, dokler se ni obarvala zlato. Nato sem zmanjšala ogenj in dodala špagete, korenje, semena ter začimbe. Po nekaj minutah sem dodala žlico mandljevega mleka, ker je jed naredilo kremasto. Na koncu sem dodala še sojino omako, in to je to.

To be honest with you, I was actually really surprised how filling the meal was! I highly suggest trying it.

Če sem čisto iskrena, sem bila presenečena nad tem, kako nasitno je bilo vse skupaj. 


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