Monday, June 22, 2015


Have you heard of CATRICE? 

I am not a big lip products girl, because most of the lipsticks I have tried make my lips very dry or smudge easily. 
But I've really been into nudes lately and I just couldn't find a suitable nude lip combo. Of all the lip glosses, lipsticks and lip pencils I was swatching in the drugstore, I could never find anything. All the lipsticks were too sheer.. You know how it is with drugstores or makeup in general, something that is supposed to be nude : a nude lipstick or a nude nailpolish just turns out to be sheer or just plain brown. BUT! 

Nisem punca, ki bi oboževala produkte za ustnice. Večina izdelkov, ki sem jih probala, so izsušile moje ustnice ali pa so se takoj zabrisale.
Zadnje čase pa so mi zelo ratale všeč nude barve, vendar nikakor nisem našla primerne kombinacije. Probala sem sto in eno šminko, svinčnik za ustnice, in nič ni bilo dovolj dobro. Večinoma je tako pri teh poceni stvareh, kar naj bi bilo nude, je nakoncu prosojno ali pa se sploh ne opazi, da kaj nosiš. Ali pa še hujše, je dobesedno rjavo. AMPAK!

I have found my holy grail : catrice lip products, and I swear by them. They are the best drugstore and affordable lipsticks I have seen in a long time.

Našla sem nekaj, na kar prisegam. Catrice izdelki za ustnice. So najboljše ''poceni'' šminke, kar sem jih videla v zadnjih parih mesecih. 

Here are some swatches : 
Tu so swatchi:

First : Colour 240

Second : Colour 380
Third : 210
Fourth : The lip pencil

You can find the products here: 
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